Thursday 24 November 2011

The release

Whilst looking through my favourite creative website , I came across a video I was very shocked to see. Its my choosen song and artists music video. The great thing is I wasn't far off their ideas. My stylistcs and cinematography and mise-en-scene is very similar. I really like their video but wasn't expecting them to make one. But here it is in all its glory.

Intertextual Links

After looking at my practices and all my ideas I saw a link to other texts; Texts such as:
Florence and The Machine

All these images of Florence ( From Florence and The Machine ) are similar to my costume and make-up and colour themes , this has inspired me to do more styles in the way Florence does. I am very proud and excited for the final outcome. I believe it is going to work very well the costume. I'm doing a re-shoot next Tuesday and Wednesday ( 29th & 30th November ), within this shoot , I have recruited  more dancers/actors to become angels and fairies dancing and floating around my location. This should allow me to have more footage to work with.

My other intertextual link is with the film Picnic at Hanging Rock.

This text has many stylistics which my video has such as camera angles and colour themes. I especially love the colours used to give a dated feel within the film. I will be learning how to acheieve that next Tuesday and Wednseday. Also the hair styles are wonderful , they flow in the wind and fly around their backs , the hair is very important in my video, it is as important as make-up and costume.

More costume ideas are from . There is a designer which has all her fabrics and clothing blowing in the wind and static. These are a really good comparison which I have noticed, I really like my costume and mise-en-scene is going. dirk rees photography photographer fashion advertising
dirk rees photography photographer fashion advertising

Angus & Julia Stone - All the Boys
This music video has alot of qualities which are similar to my ideas. The dance sequence is very similar to what I want to achieve.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Second try

This is my second attempt. I hope to recreate something similar but more professional. The things that I want to change about this video is some of the editing and the costume. For instance some of the sequences are jumpy and not neat as I wanted them. Secondly I want to edit the video so it is similar to a Florence and the machine genre of video. I also want to change the costume ; the netting is not great. I want to take the pattern off it and the hem and attatch to the dress instead of to my model.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


This animatic has helped me shape and understand my video more. Within the making of this animatic I found a few hurdels such as the speed ; everything seemed too slow and motionless, therefore I made more jump cuts and continuity edits within the sequence.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Location , prop and cast list

Beverley Westwood , I plan to use the Beverley Westwood because of all the possible angles of the Black Mill. All the different angles look unique , if you were to look to the right of the black mill you can see all the hills and the race course , but if you were to look to the left than you would see the minster and if you were looking towards this angle you'd see the houses around this iconic location.
Furthermore this location is free and easy to access as it is in my home town. The only downside is that anyone can come on to the Westwood , but if this does happen I will not make it a problem and film something else whilst im filming.


This dress is one similar to the one which I am working with. The only difference will be that light, floaty material will be attached all over the dress to make wing like images for the camera. This costume is key to my music video because my video is around the losseness of the material and the way it flows into the air.

This make up is also key to the video , giving a fairy feel. With the use of glitter it creates a fairy tale look.

My only cast is my good friend Kayleigh , whom is helping me with the dress and attatching the material to with the help of her textiles A level.

I hope to be shooting tomorrow ( 9th November 2011) and hopefully again the same time next week ( 16th November 2011 ). Let's see how it goes.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Practice make up

I really like how this practice went. These are definitely the types of mise-en-scene that I was hoping to achieve , the make up creates strong, fairy like characteristics. These characteristics are ones that work well with the music and the ideas for the video. Also they all accompany the costume and mise en scene.