Thursday 6 October 2011

Practice Music video

Last Friday I decided I should take opportunity of the great weather before it becomes the great old british weather. I gathered a few friends and props and set off to my chosen location. I have a few photographs that I took at the location and on the way, also I have made a small and poor video which is the starting point of my final music video. I was very happy with the way it worked and was pleasantly surprised to fine that it was better than I thought.

These photos and short film were perfect and I beleive that they followed the conventions of my music type, but the main things I would have changed would have been:
  • Sort out their costume more - for instance the boys turned up in what they wanted - next time I will orange to sort everything out down to their socks and hairstyles.
  • Have more of a wide range of people to be in the video , there was no cultural diversion or collection of different people - this effect the working ability , for instance the boys weren't as enthusiastic and excited as the girls were.
  • The timing of the filming, I was aiming for sunset but I believe I was a little late on that part because I only got about an hour of good filming which I supppose is good on the first try but I didn't get enough shots that I could use.
  • My orangisation skills lack alot and it showed within the short film.
Next time I hope to work on all the points above and more.

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